Comprehensive farm maps are essential management tools.
We prepare high resolution farm maps that highlight the farms key features. The information mapped includes paddocks, water supplies, creeks and other waterways, roads, gates, stock yards and buildings. Maps can include production zones, soil types, weed infestations, arable and/or productive hectares of paddocks. Once mapped, various combinations of this information can be presented on different layers. Map layers can also be exported for use in other programs with a mapping capability.
Farm maps are important to allow monitoring and improvement of productivity as well to assist day to day management. To calculate stocking rates in paddocks farmers require total hectares to be mapped. A fertilizer spreading contractor will need a map of productive hectares, whereas a crop spraying or crop/pasture sowing contractor will require a map showing the arable hectares in each paddock. Both will need to know where the creek crossings, tracks and gates are located.
The maps below show a 395 Ha farm before (top) and after paddocks are re-organized. The outcome of the change was more efficient management of stock, better use of water, as well as improved pasture utilization.